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Making Your Home Offer Stand Out From Others

Making Your Home Offer Stand Out From Others

When time is of the essence, and a swarm of potential buyers is after the same property, it can be difficult to ensure that an offer on any home will attract the seller’s attention. Fortunately, there are a few simple tricks that might give an offer just the boost it...
Why Homebuyers Should be Wary of Balloon Payments

Why Homebuyers Should be Wary of Balloon Payments

Balloons are used for decoration and entertainment purposes in celebrations such as weddings, graduations, and birthday parties. A balloon is a mortgage that does not amortize fully and leaves a balance due after maturity. It is advisable to skip the balloons when...
Major Mistakes that First-Time Homebuyers Should Avoid

Major Mistakes that First-Time Homebuyers Should Avoid

Choosing, viewing, and purchasing a house for the first time is certainly a challenging process for a lot of people. That being said, being well prepared for this process will undoubtedly help first-time buyers in avoiding serious mistakes that might cost them their...