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How Remote Work Changes Real Estate

How Remote Work Changes Real Estate

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, almost half of all full-time knowledge workers in the US worked at home when the lockdown began in 2020. This drastic change, assumed to be a temporary adjustment, has now become the new normal for many people, especially...
Why Homebuyers Should be Wary of Balloon Payments

Why Homebuyers Should be Wary of Balloon Payments

Balloons are used for decoration and entertainment purposes in celebrations such as weddings, graduations, and birthday parties. A balloon is a mortgage that does not amortize fully and leaves a balance due after maturity. It is advisable to skip the balloons when...
Major Mistakes that First-Time Homebuyers Should Avoid

Major Mistakes that First-Time Homebuyers Should Avoid

Choosing, viewing, and purchasing a house for the first time is certainly a challenging process for a lot of people. That being said, being well prepared for this process will undoubtedly help first-time buyers in avoiding serious mistakes that might cost them their...